It has been absolutely amazing to watch how this method is changing our lives. Charlotte Mason has made her way to the depths of my very soul and it is completely impacting how I interact with my children and with others.
I am new to home Education. I began homeschooling my oldest son last year for 4th grade and we continued this year. I discovered Miss Mason very early in my journey and slowly began adding in bits of the feast for my son. Her method of education is so thorough and beautiful. We are experiencing things that I never knew existed. Plutarch? Who is he? The beautiful tales of William Shakespeare, the beauty in Gods Holy Word, the lives of the famous men and women who have shaped our country and our world throughout the ages....I could go on. This year, I have embraced a “whole hog” approach with our CM Education. I am striving to do things just as Charlotte did them & teach the subjects that she taught. It has been challenging. It has meant a lot of time away from our screens—both my son and I love social media. I love facebook and he loves YouTube.—And it has meant more time out of doors. Time out of doors has not been easy for us. It hasn’t been easy because I am not naturally one to just want to go and hike in nature. Give me a purpose to be outside and I can do it, but send me outside just to sit and ponder and it isn’t easy for me. I have made it a point to spend more time outside with my kids. Yesterday, we went on a short hike together up the hill behind our house. We took our watercolor sets and a journal and found a nice spot to sit and paint. Today, it was 70-degrees. The temperature has been well below freezing for over a month, so we took full advantage of the beautiful weather. Now, THIS is where the beauty comes in. As we were sitting on a wood trailer doing morning lessons, my 3-year-old comes up and asks if we are going to paint again. I walked back inside, got the watercolor set and some paper. He said, “I’m going to study this tree and paint a picture of it.” Be still my heart! My 3-year-old wanted to Nature Study. He is learning to find the beauty in the world that God created and to just be still and observe. That moment will forever be precious to me. Once again, Miss Mason is changing our lives.
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